Individual Rooms
When selecting a commercial air purification system for your place of business, how long should you have to wait to breathe pure, contaminant-free air?
Indoor air is filled with allergens, pollutants and micro-organisms. Did you know these invisible enemies can create disruption within your organization? Left unchecked, even brief exposure causes illness-related absences, mild to severe outbreaks, and there are long-term health risks. How patient must you be when an invisible enemy may be lurking?
• 3 in 1 air disinfection technologies:
UV-C light (80 watts)
12” HEPA filter (99.97% at 0.3
microns)2” Carbon filter
• UV-C; true HEPA; Carbon filters
• Fast air replacement via variable speed, high-static blower – 800 cfm with filters in place
• Low noise level
• Easy setup and maintenance
• Tamper-proof illuminated push buttons
• Special order colors available
• UV-C lamp and filter change indicator lights
• 1-year parts warranty
• Classrooms
• Restaurants / Bars
• Meeting Rooms
• Waiting Rooms
• Salons / Barbershops
• Reception Areas / Lobbies

Inactivates more than 99% dangerous pathogens in a single pass of air through the machine
*Based on computer simulations which predict > 99% UVGI inactivation rate for coronavirus in a single air pass. Courtesy of UV Resources (UVR)
Protect Your Air in Just 5 Minutes
In just five minutes, the APS1000 deactivates 99.5% of airborne pathogens in a 500 sq. ft. area with 8-ft. ceiling.
Within 12 minutes, it “captures and kills” virtually all (99.99%) airborne virus particles in the space.
How APS1000 Works

Get In Touch
If you have questions, please call Air Rover at (903) 877-3430 today or email us at info@airrover.com. Or, complete this form and we will respond to your request by the next business day.
12679 FM 3311, Tyler, TX 75708
Contact Us